As a 100% volunteer run organization, we rely on our Members for their contributions to our events and programs. The continued excellence of SHYC and SHSS is thanks to the hard work of so many SHYC individuals and families.

Our 2017 Season was such a success thanks to our Committee Chairs and their teams of volunteers:

Matt Evans, Tom King & Drew Carlson- Boat Maintenance
Regina Shakin- Race Patrol
Ben Bainbridge & Drew Carlson- Race Committee
Doug Whitla, Tom King & Drew Carlson- Buildings & Grounds




David Leary & Regina Shakin - 22nd Annual SHYC Opti Regatta
Regina Shakin & David Leary- Gill Regatta



Senior Luncheon- Lynne Roe
Pat Tarnow & Lisa Edge- Sunday Tea

Matt Evans- Past Commodore's Tea



Stay-the-Day Lunch Program- Sonja Bartlett
4th of July Float- SHSS Staff & Families




Matt and Debbie Evans- Commodore's Ball
Pam Cummings & Laurel Driscoll- All-Member Cocktail Party




Sara Wilson and Sara Frye- Technology
Luau- John Forger & Dan Taylor
Denise Ritchie & Jeanne Krauss- Merchandise




Volunteer Today!