Club Racing FleetsStage Harbor Sailing School offers a variety of Adult focused classes and racing opportunities. Our adult program is a great way for our members to get back into a sport they loved as a child or learn something completely new. Learn more about our offerings below. Ladies SeriesFridays, 1030-1200 (Day Sailers) The Ladies Series is raced every Friday during sailing season in Day Sailers. The races are held inside the harbor. To participate, you must have a female at the tiller and be a Stage Harbor member. Men are welcome to sail but must do so as crew only. All skill levels are welcome to participate. If you don’t have your own Day Sailer, club boats are available for use and must be reserved through our Program Director in advance. Come join the fun as a competitor or if you’re interested in participating to learn more. Awards are given for the first four top finishers in the series. Workmans SeriesThursdays or Fridays - check calendar for dates, 1800 start Workman’s Series has been a long standing and cherished tradition at the Club. It was created to provide a fun, enjoyable, low key racing opportunity to those with full time jobs and busy weekends. Staff, former staff and adults alike compete on alternating weeks in this fun race series. No registration required. Club Day Sailers are available for use by members on a first come, first serve basis. Impromptu gatherings often occur on Chief’s Pier after the races. All are welcome to compete or come cheer on racers. Big Boat SailingMid-July and Mid-August - check calendar for dates, 1300 start Open to all members with big boats who would like to sail or those members who want to crew during the July and August races with Monomoy Yacht Club and Stage Harbor Marine. All are welcome to attend regardless of skill level. The races will start at 1300 off the Stage Harbor bell buoy and last approximately 2 hours with a social gathering afterward. |