To update a whole Household's information, click your "Organization's Name" to view and edit your Organization (Household) Profile.
For Print Directory Purposes, you only need to update the Organization Profile and put an " * " after the updated street address.
Our system will update all linked individuals on the account in the late spring.  

Please DO NOT submit one family member's name for another (such as putting both spouses profiles under one spouse's name). Doing so may result in your print directory listing showing the double profiled spouse as married to him or herself.

To edit an individual's profile, click "edit" and update your information, don't forget to click "Save":

NOTE that between March 15th and May 15th, all profile changes must be made through this link and that changes made after March 15th may not be reflected in this year's print directory (though we will try our best to get all the recently updated information in).

For help adding pictures to your profile(s), please contact SHYC Tech